1. The purpose of schools is… to educate and shape young minds and bodies. Not only should students go to school for an education to help them further in life, but they should also be exposed to learning ethics, morals, and lifelong lessons to shape them as young adults. Students should also learn how to take care of their health independently, including diet and exercise.

3. Curriculum should…..consider students individual needs, such as learning styles, age, culture, and ability. The curriculum should wholly educate the students in a verity of subjects.

5. School leaders…. must be good examples. School leaders must be positive role models and set good examples for students to strive towards.
6. The ideal school includes…a sense of community. The school should function as a unit, with everyone having respect for themselves and others and they all strive for the same goal of success in the school.
7. Parents and communities need to…become involved in the school. Parents need to help foster growth in their children outside of the classroom. Communities should offer programs to better student learning in the hours they are outside of school.
8. The major problems facing education today are…funding and lack of motivation, both in educators and students. School with poor funding have trouble implementing programs that are effective, and tend to have students who do worse within the environment. Students in public schools have less resources to become successful, and their lack of success may have a negative effect on the teachers. Some educators give up on their students if they show no improvement or drive to succeed, while they really should be finding ways to help these students become successful.
9. What is physical education about? Physical Education is about educating students on their body, the benefits of exercise, nutrition, and life long fitness. Physical Education is unique in its ability to integrate almost any subject matter into an activity within the gym. Here you may combine student learning with kinesthetic movement. Physical Education is used to teach students new skills involved in sport, and to understand lifetime fitness which can be used in the community and throughout the students lifetime.
10. What does it mean to be “physically educated”? A physically educated person should learn skills needed to perform a verity of physical activities. A physically educated person is physically fit and participates in daily activity. A physically educated person values the benefits of physical education.
12. The ideal physical education program would……keep kids interested day in and day out. An ideal program would get all children involved and active each day. This program should have a wide verity of activities including sport, recreation and lifetime activities.
13. What is athletics about? What is its purpose? Athletics is about competing an physical activity in a controlled, recorded settings outside of the school day. It is a commitment to a team, the coach and its team members. Personally I think the purpose of athletics is to build character and learn life lessons through the use of sport.
14. The role of the coach is to…..A coach should be able to teach his/her players the core values of respect, loyalty, friendship, support, and compassion. Although a sport should strive towards physical excellence, it should also include building students roles in the community and as young adults.